Saturday 16 August 2014

Greenish worblar and Ashy Prinia

Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)  

 Greenish worblar pic-1
The greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)  is a typical leaf warbler in appearance, grayish-green above and off-white below. 
Greenish worblar pic-2

                                        Ashy Prinia or Ashy Wren-Warbler (Prinia socialis)

The Ashy Prinia or Ashy Wren-Warbler (Prinia socialis) is a small warbler. It is a common bird in urban gardens and farmland in many parts of India and its small size, distinctive colours and upright tail make it easy to identify.
 These 13–14 cm long warblers have short rounded wings and longish graduated cream tail tipped with black subterminal spots. The tail is usually held upright and the strong legs are used for clambering about and hopping on the ground. 

 captured the photographs of ashy prinia during its breakfast time, in Lodha heaven dombivili east
captured the photographs of ashy prinia during its breakfast time, in Lodha heaven dombivili east
They have a short black bill. The crown is grey and the underparts are rufous in most plumages. In breeding plumage, adults of the northern population are ash grey above, with a black crown and cheek.

 This passerine bird is found in dry open grassland, open woodland, scrub and in home gardens in many cities.
Like most warblers, the Ashy Prinia is insectivorous. The song is a repetitivetchup, tchup, tchup or zeet-zeet-zeet. Another call is a nasal tee-tee-tee. It also makes a sound like "electric sparks" during the fluttery flight which is thought to be produced by the wings.
 It is most easily distinguished by the loud snapping noise it makes during flight. How this noise is produced we do not know for certain. 
photo graphs are taken in lodha heaven, dombivili east thane, maharastra

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