Tuesday 9 September 2014

Little Cormorant

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                                                Little cormorant
The little cormorant is about 50 centimetres (20 in) long and only slightly smaller than the Indian cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscicollis).
The Indian cormorant has a narrower and longer bill which ends in a prominent hook tip, blue iris and a more pointed head profile.
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The breeding adult bird has a glistening all black plumage with some white spots and filoplumes on the face. There is also a short crest on the back of the head. The crest becomes inconspicuous and a small and well-marked white patch on the throat is sometimes visible. The sexes are indistinguishable in the field, but males tend to be larger.Some abnormal silvery-grey plumages have been described.
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Little cormorants tend to forage mainly in small loose groups and are often seen foraging alone. They swim underwater to capture their prey, mainly fish. They propel themselves underwater using their webbed feet. Captured fishes are often brought up to the surface to swallow them and during this time other birds including other little cormorants, 
Indian cormorants tend to fish communally in larger groups. Like all other cormorants, they will emerge from water and will hold out their wings and stay immobile for a while. The behaviour has been suggested to be for wing-drying.
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The breeding season of the little cormorant is between July to September in northern India and November to February in southern India. They may nest beside Indian pond herons and little egrets in colonies.
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All the pictures are captured at LODHA HEVEN Dombivali East Thane Maharashtra 

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